Kerri Ní Dochartaigh & Annemarie Ní Churreáin

Kerri Ní Dochartaigh & Annemarie Ní Churreáin
Deer’s Head Music Hall
Sunday 5 September, 2.00pm
Buy TicketsAn afternoon featuring two of the most potent talents writing in Ireland today.
Kerri ní Dochartaigh was born in Derry-Londonderry at the very height of the Troubles. One parent was Catholic, the other was Protestant. In the space of a year they were forced out of two houses and when she was 11 a homemade petrol bomb was thrown into the family home.
Terror was in the very fabric of the city, and for families like hers, the ones who fell between the cracks of identity, it seemed there was no escape. In her hugely acclaimed memoir Thin Places, Kerri examines how nature kept her sane and helped her heal; how violence and poverty are never more than a stone’s throw from beauty and hope; and how we are, once again, allowing our borders to become hard, and terror to creep back in.
Annemarie Ní Churreáin is a poet from the Donegal Gaeltacht. Her publications include Bloodroot (Doire Press, 2017) and Town (The Salvage Press, 2018).
Doors 1.30pm | Unreserved Seating
Covid protocol – CQAF small venues*
CQAF is committed to facilitating the return of live entertainment and the gradual reopening of events. We are making every effort to provide a safe environment for our audiences, artists, volunteers and staff.
Current conditions of entry are:
·Temperature check on arrival at the venue.
·Please wear a mask while queuing for indoor events and if you have to leave your seat to move around the venue. No masks necessary when seated.
·Visitors to the venues will be allocated seats as per their booking. (Please email us if there’s someone you’d like to sit with.
·1m physical distancing in line with government guideline.
·Please do not come to the event if you’re displaying any of the symptoms of Covid 19. Email us at and we’ll happily refund your tickets.
We hope you enjoy the festival. We will review these conditions of entry if COVID-19 guidelines are updated prior to the event.
* This applies to The Black Box, Oh Yeah Music Centre, The Sunflower, Deer’s Head Music Hall, The American Bar, Ulster Sports Club, 1st Presbyterian Church, The Dark Horse
Tickets also available from: Visit Belfast | 028 90 246 609
9 Donegall Square North
- Open 7 days a Week