‘… a damp wood
and the madness, really,
of a dawn chorus being taped.
Our field recordings made
so we might never lose a thing.’
A new album of poetry and electronic music: A dislocated, slippery examination of memory, social and familial relations, landscape and our urge to both belong and move elsewhere.
This is an anti-pastoral picture of a middle-England that could be anywhere, lost, empty, and beautiful even in its decaying phase.
Existing and reacting off each word and sound in the studio together; with the words of poet Will Burns, the analogue electronic compositions of Hannah Peel and the overarching eye of producer Erland Cooper, all tracks were produced and recorded in its entirety within 12 hours.
Scoring these strange worlds of electronic ruralism Peel says, “After only meeting Will at a few gigs before, we met at the studio to try out some ideas. Whenever he heard a sound or texture, he instinctively brought out a poem that he thought fitted the mood. It was like ‘Tone Poetry’. Equally when he read a poem to us in the studio, we reacted straight away with sound… casting away apprehensions, creating an album with no boundaries or expectations”.
Doors 3:30pm | Unreserved Seating
Tickets also available from: Visit Belfast | 028 90 246 609
9 Donegall Square North
- Open 7 days a Week