Brilliantly melodic, local press describe this duo as “something
akin to Simon and Garfunkel having a row”.

A wee bit of Country and Western for you. Forget cotton-picking
and Arkansas this songsmith hails from Kilrea, County L’Derry,
hey. As if Johnny Cash’s heart-on-his-sleeve lyrical
twists have been transported to the dark heart of rural Ulster.
Tom McShane will perform tracks from his lo-fi debut CD, Songs
Are Sad. Joined on stage with his band including Ben McAuley
(drums), Richard Dale (bass) and Ryan Kernahan (keyboards
& guitars).
Former Reindeer Section and Snow Patrol guitarist, Iain Archer,
will be performing with Paul and Phil Wilkinson from The Amazing
Pilots. Archer will play tracks from the recently released
new album, Flood The Tanks.

Since 1995, they've been regaling us with tales of their lives
and in doing so, a generation's lives - singing about shit
nights out, c*nted friends, drunken parties, dodgy pills,
smelling of piss, crap jobs, beautiful sex, losing love, looking
for love...This is music that makes the grim realities of
life into an elegiac symphony that in the end is totally life
affirming. "Bukowski on Buckfast ... the Strap have created
the most perfect music to accompany the post-rave comedown."
Album number 5 Monday at the Hug and Pint is currently out
on Chemikal Underground.
Tickets £3.00 available from the Festival office
and Belfast Welcome Centre on 028 9024 6609