John Ryan is the kind of adult who is usually referred to by
other adults as “an overgrown kid” - who sees life
from a child’s perspective, notices the tiny things that
other grown ups can’t or won’t notice.
Unlike other rigidly structured shows, Kids Are Best allows
the children to set the show’s format so that each performance
is different. The storytelling has grown-ups and kids laughing
loads as he recounts tales of everyday people like Mr Wibblybums
the scariest headmaster in the world
Tickets £1.00 from the Festival office on telephone 028
90232403 and Belfast Welcome Centre 028 9024 6609 |
"I started my day with a children’s show, John
Ryan’s Kids Are Best, a perfect antidote to the bitter
cynicism of the grown-up part of the festival programme. I
don’t have children, so have no real yardstick; but
this show’s storytelling was a sure hit with the rugrats"
The Scotsman
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High Street and Ormeau Road