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Ba Soba – www.basoba.com
38 Hill Street, Cathedral Quarter, Belfast. Tel. 028 90586868 for reservations.

Belfast's first Japanese style noodle bar will offer a pre-performance menu from 5.00pm – 7.00pm throughout the festival for £9.95, and 20% off their main menu after a festival show. Offers valid only on presentation of ticket for show that evening.

Printer’s Café Bar
33 Lower Donegall Street, Belfast. Tel. 028 90248000 for enquiries.

Open for lunches Monday to Saturday. Menu changes weekly. Fully licensed. Bookings accepted. 10% off your food bill for festival audiences on presentation of a festival ticket. Entrance on Commercial Court, opposite the Duke of York.

Café Perk – www.cafeperk.co.uk
95 – 101 Royal Avenue, Belfast. Tel. 028 90278776 for further information.

Café Perk offers a beautiful gourmet selection of food and coffee.

McHughs – www.mchughsbar.com
29 – 31 Queen Square, Belfast. Tel. 028 90509999.

A tradition of quality food, drink, craic and music since 1711.

Northern Whig – www.thenorthernwhig.com
2-10 Bridge Street, Belfast. Tel. 028 90509888.

Food, drink and entertainment emporium in the heart of the Cathedral Quarter.

Whites Tavern
2 - 4 Winecellar Entry, Belfast. Tel. 028 90243080
Expect a cosy fire and a warm welcome, great craic and tasty food!

3 Skipper Street, Belfast. Tel. 028 90232448
Opium combines a relaxed drinking atmosphere with excellent modern Asian dining.


Welcome Centre – www.gotobelfast.com
47 Donegall Place, Belfast. Tel. 028 90246609

City centre box office for the Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival and everything you’ll need to know about enjoying your time in Belfast.