Saturday May 10
The John Hewitt 9.00pm

In keeping with the piping theme of this year’s Fleadh we have assembled an outstanding collection of some of the world’s best pipers including:

Robert Watt: a champion Highland Piper and an exponent of the Scottish small pipes.

Robbie Hannon: one of Ireland’s most respected uillean pipers and an authority on music.

John McSherry and Donal O’Connor: both viruoso performers on pipes and fiddle respectively, showcasing samples from their new CD.

Thierry Michel: plays the Bechonnet pipes from the Basse-Auverne region of France.

Tickets £5 available from the Festival Office on 028 9023 2403

Saturday 10 May
The Duke of York 11.00am

An illustrated talk by the world renowned piper Robbie Hannon who, in addition to recording, touring and broadcasting, was recently guest soloist with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. It’s a long way from Clare to there!

To book a place (£4) telephone the Festival Office on 028 9023 2403

Saturday 10 May
The Duke of York 5.00pm

The Fleadh welcomes to Belfast The Carberry’s. This father and son duo will launch their acclaimed CD ‘The Pipes are Calling.’ Peter Carberry and his son Noel are accomplished pipers who play in a style rooted in their native County Longford.

Admission free.