3 May
The Conor Hall 8.00pm
Described once as a one man Clash, a creator
of songs full of passion, anger and wit Billy Braggs
music career has spanned three decades. With a number
of critically acclaimed albums under his belt and
an appreciation as one of the most politically aware
and humanist faces of the UK music industry, Billy
has etched a place in pop history as a notable voice
of the people. Inspired by the politically charged
folk of such greats as Woody Guthrie and influenced
by the social changes happening across 80s Britain.
Braggs style has scored him a string of Top
20 successes with albums Talking with the Taxman About
Poetry, Workers Playtime and Dont Try
This At Home. In the past 5 years he has worked on
interpretations of Woody Guthries unheard works
(on Mermaid Avenue Volume 1 & 2), produced and
toured with new band associates The Blokes (feat.
Ian McLagan) and continued with his political activity
focussing on lobbying reform of the House of Lords.
The Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival is particularly
pleased to welcome Billy Bragg back to Belfast for
a special acoustic show.
Tickets £10/ £8 Available from the
Festival Office on 028 9023 2403