May 1
Rosemary St. 12.30, 1.30
Steve Woko Jackson (a.k.a. The Half Naked
Chef) is the Australian TV cook from the hit series Cant
Cook, Dont Cook and author of international
best-seller Burnt to a Crisp.
In his first visit to Belfast, Steve will give a culinary
demonstration that would bring tears to Jenny Bristows

May 10
Rosemary St. 12.00noon, 1.00pm

Space Cadet: Witness the spectacular landing of Gifteds
illuminated space craft from which our lycra-clad hero
materialises to the sounds of his very own theme music,
bearing gifts of yellow Y-fronts from far away galaxies,
for audience members to wear during the show. The audience
then find themselves in a cosmic, comic game show with
alien makeovers, an intergalactic penalty shoot-out
and a mind-bending grand finale.