An evening of fantastical stories from a wealth of world sources by seasoned storyteller Angie McManus and complemented by traditional music and an Irish Dancing display in one of Belfast’s most character-filled bars.

Using The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing these workshops will examine the use of a journal in analysis of your work and the work of other writers. This workshop will be facilitated by poet Moyra Donaldson, award winning author of Snakeskin Stilettoes (Lagan Press)
Please book in advance

Tickets £3 from The Festival Office
Tel: 028 90232403


(see literature section)

The half closed eyes stare back! Separated from the image, the creator of a false goddess views her adoring and parasitical voyeurs. ‘I belong to the public and to the world…….’ She speaks of the paradoxical confusion of her life, desperate to find her valid identity.

Repudiating her legacy, that of a one dimensional celluloid image, Marilyn allows us to explore the woman.

Tickets £3 available from The Festival Office
Tel: 028 90232403

Born in Kilkeel and singing all her life, Roisin White has a huge repertoire of Ulster songs learned from singers such as Sarah-Anne O’Neill, Len Graham and Joe Holmes. These songs formed on the basis of her highly acclaimed CD The First of my Rambles

Roisin is currently Artist in residence in Down District spreading news about unaccompanied singing to a wide range of individuals and community groups. This workshop is intended as a starting point for all who are interested in working with their voice and who wish to learn more about the store of songs around them.

Tickets £3 in advance from Festival Office
Tel: 028 9023 2403