Meet the world’s only living box. This internationally acclaimed act is unlike any other. Curiosity is aroused by the arrival of a silent ‘clown’ in a box. Despite his size, he manages to climb in and shut the lid. As the audience try to discover what will happen next the box grows legs and leaps into life. Creating an astounding and amazing illusion. Meeting and greeting are a speciality but, given half the chance he will have you dancing and playing footsie. This box has quite a following.

An action packed, fun filled family show comes from the Yella Fever Foundation, Belfast’s newest circus company. Taking a fresh approach to street entertainment the three performers lead the audience at breakneck speed through a host of weird and wonderful characters, incorporating frantic costume changes alongside the visual delights of complex and breathtaking performance. A feast for all senses.

John Hicks executes artworks live, stylishly and with versatility, from frantic speed performances to works over hours or days. The Workman. A workman arrives pushing a road-sweeper style barrow. He erects a 7” tall structure, then attaches canvas. Music emanates from the barrow as his daubing comes together to create a veritable masterpiece.

‘The hard line Tony Hart. The Rock n’ Roll Rolf Harris, The Jackson Pollock of the People’