
In this hard hitting one man show Mast Fraser
draws on the story of Sealo the Sealboy,
a freak show performer born with short arms
and living in the USA from the 1930s to
the 1970s. In researching Sealos life,
what Mat saw was, culturally, his historical
The play ask the question, can a disabled
performer ever be seen as anything other
than a freak, irrespective of the liberal
or post modern attitudes of todays
sophisticated audiences? He then becomes
his predecessor Sealo as the audience is
forced to confront their collective connection
with the freak show audiences of the past.
Containing feats of strength, drum and base,
sexuality and class A drugs, Sealboy: Freak
is a show that takes the spctator out of
the comfort zone and into the terrordome
presented with the support of the Abbey
National Communities Scheme
Tickets £5/£4 concessions available
from The Festival Office.
Group concessions also available.
Tel: 028 232403