3 – 14 MAY
Ten new countries are joining the European Union on 1st May
this year. To mark this occasion we are presenting “Images
of a New Europe” – a photographic exhibition by
Magnum Photos, one of the world’s leading photo agencies.
The photographs were shot in Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia,
Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia
and the exhibition is aimed at updating perceptions of these
countries and raising awareness of EU enlargement. Photographers
involved in the project include Donovan Wylie and Martin Parr.
29 APRIL – 9 MAY
Inter alia connections within the post modern condition: identity,
location, connection.
An instillation in new media, this work travels a tight line
between abstraction and representation, pulling representational
imagery away from a naturalistic order into a more poetic
A contrast of organic and mechanical exploring two, three
and four dimensional (motion/projection/time-based) images
investigating places both mental and physical. The intermediate
zones and in-transit places.