
A chance to watch Sinead OBriens award winning documentary
Luke exploring the life of the former Dubliners
singer, one of the greatest ballad singers and social
activists of our time.
Film available from Ferndale Films. Tel: 00353 1 676 8890
Admission Free

Grand opening session. Special festival guests to include
Marcus OMurchu (Flute) and Adrian Scahill (Accordian)
Pay at door

The Lagan Fleadh season at the Festival kicks in in some
style with this meeting of musical giants. Dundalk master
fiddler Gerry O Connor (ex Skylark) is joined by
son Donal and box player Mairtín Quinn (Na Doirse).
This turbo-charged trios set will be interspersed
with music from Terry ONeill (Monsieur Le Crunch)
and Manuel McFarlane.
Theres enough energy in this one to blow the
National Grid Sam Murray
Tickets £5/£4 concessions available from The
Festival Office
Tel: 028 90232403

Respected fifers and drummers from the Cullybackey area
have been invited to perambulate the streets of the historic
Cathedral Quarter area taking in Academy St., Hill St.,
Talbot St., Dunbar St., Hill St., and Gordan St. finishing
with a drumming exhibition at the Duke of York, Commercial
Court. (1.30) |