
is a spoken word and music night that enlivens Belfast
on a sporadic basis. The aim is to combine prose
and poetry with a rock and roll attitude. The Subtext
special for the Cathedral Quarter event will feature
a unique guest: writer, journalist and folk devil,
Will Self. Local writers will include Colin Carberry,
Leontia Flynn, Gavin Carville and Marty Neill. Music
and visuals from Maersk.
Will Self is one of Britains leading novelists,
whose coruscating , mordant and blackly comic vision
has earned him countless accolades since his first
novel The Quantity Theory of Insanity.
For the Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival, Will will
talk about his work and read from his latest book
How the Dead Live, a characteristically
acerbic yet penetrating critique of the human condition.
Youll laugh and flinch at the same time.
The Guardian
£5 available from The Festival Office
Tel. 028 90232403