What would Helen Mirren do?
Thursday January 13
The Black Box, 1.00pm & 8.00pm
Lunchtime Show: £5.50 + Lunch
Evening Show: £8.00
Click Here to Buy Tickets
or call 028 9024 6609
Susan has worked at the supermarket in Oldham most of her life.
Busy with her job, her kids and her elderly mother, she’s never given
much thought to role-models until she’s training for promotion and
is forced to adopt one. But her life changes dramatically when she
starts to ask herself, What would Helen Mirren do?
Anita Parry plays Susan, her boss, her management trainer, her
grown-up kids and a host of other characters in this funny and
moving play written by Josie Melia.
Peter Ellis, known for many years as Chief Inspector Brownlow in
The Bill directs his wife Anita for the first time.
“A delightful monologue ... think of it as Shirley Valentine meets
The Office.” The Independent