Wednesday January 12
The Black Box, 1.00pm & 8.00pm
Lunchtime Show: £5.50 + Lunch
Evening Show: £8.00
Click Here to Buy Tickets
or call 028 9024 6609
Laugh, cry, cringe and be touched by this fabulous new show. A
wickedly funny, achingly honest look at the glittery and tawdry world
of lap and pole.
Through the eyes of the impressionable newcomer, Baby; Stripped
exposes the intricacies and secrets of the dark, deceiving world of
the Strip Club. The innocent novice finds herself bombarded with
ruthless club rules and surrounded by tough veteran strippers. She
is manipulated and used, until she is finally forced to discover the
depths of her sexual power and adapt from the exploited to the
Stripped is a truthfully witty yet touching show based on real
characters and encounters from Hannah’s past experiences working
as a stripper.