Brass Off!
Saturday January 15
The Black Box, 8.00pm
Tickets: £8.00
Click Here to Buy Tickets
or call 028 9024 6609
Two brilliant live bands vie for the title of King of Klezmer. Expect
some expert horn blowage.
The North Strand Kontra Band began playing the melodic and
expressive form of Jewish dance music, Klezmer but soon began to
explore and experiment with other Eastern European traditional
forms most notably the music of Romania, Bulgaria and other
Balkan states.
Described by the Irish Times as “the most enjoyable new party band
of the past few years”, The North Strand Kontra Band gig all across
the country incorporating more contemporary genres such as funk
and drum & bass into the traditional styles that they have focused on.
Balkan Alien Sound also specialise in the gypsy and folk music of
Eastern Europe and the Balkan regions. They formed in 2007 due
to an interest gained by travel and study of Klezmer music and the
folk music of Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey.
Upbeat rhythms and odd time signatures are a key part of the
band’s live performance with fast and furious melodies demanding
to be danced to.