Jeffers & Mac Premo
Cottoncourt, Waring Street
Oliver Jeffers is from Belfast. Mac Premo is from New
York City. In January 2002 Mac spent nine days visiting
Oliver in Belfast. 9 Days in Belfast is a
joint exhibition of artwork by Mac Premo and Oliver Jeffers.
It is based on the nine concentrated days of Macs
visit and nine selected days of Olivers upbringing,
a collaboration of two differing perspectives of one place.
Admission free.

Featuring Anne Clarke, Nuala Gregory,
Ray Henshaw, Sharon Kelly, Paddy McCann
& Jill McKeown.
Ground Floor Gallery, 18 Donegall St.

In response to the theme of transience, Paragon Artists
Studios present new work by current members. The social-political
climate, personal landscapes and transitory nature of
our lives are here explored through painting, photography,
print and drawing. The exhibition includes work by New
Zealand based Nuala Gregory who recently completed a 6
month residency with Paragon Studios.
Opening: Thursday May 8, 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Duration: Friday May 9, 12.00 - 4.30pm
Saturday May 10, 11.00 - 4.30pm