Joanne McNally – Bite Me
The Green Room (Black Box)
Thursday 3 May, 1.00pm
Tickets £7.00
Book TicketsBite Me was postponed in our Out to Lunch Festival when Joanne made her way to the Black Box – in Galway.
With Sat Nav co-ordinates duly reset, finally, we bring you – BITE ME.
This is the story of Joanne’s amaaaaaaazing diet. She didn’t just lose weight though; she lost jobs, friends and fellas, but she didn’t care because she could wear bangles as belts and that’s all that mattered.
Then one day, over her morning carrot, Joanne realized she’d lost her mind. Turns out it was pinned to a lost property board up in space, enjoying the view and its new found freedom.
Trying to entice it back became the hardest, funniest, greatest and weirdest time of her life.
A major hit at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe festival, we are delighted to host this Belfast premier.
‘Brazen, bold and beautiful, the sky’s the limit for Joanne McNally’ – IRISH MIRROR
Tickets also available from: Visit Belfast | 028 90 246 609
9 Donegall Square North
- Open 7 days a Week