This genre busting 13-piece ensemble led by Northern Ireland composer Brian Irvine is made up of some of the most versatile and virtuosic musicians working in the UK today.
Part jazz, part classical, part thrash, part punk, part country, part theatre, part circus they swoop, furiously together, like a bunch of starving noise hungry starling scavengers!
Endlessly curious and utterly insatiable the BIE has performed all over the world and collaborated with many different performers, artists, filmmakers and organisations including Billy Jenkins, BBC Concert Orchestra, Joanna MacGregor, Keith Tippetas well as animator Joel Simon and filmmaker John McIlduff.
Brian has won many awards including BBC Jazz Award for Best New Work and the British Composer Award for best new Opera/Stage Work 2006 and is currently composer in association with the Ulster Orchestra.
The ensemble are: Roman Mints, Scott Heron(strings); James Allsopp, Richard Mawhinney, Philip Lavery (reeds); Alex Bonney, David Liddell (brass); Michael Keeney(piano); Bill Campbell (guitar); Phil Smyth(bass); Andrew Lavery, Steve Davis (drums).