Saturday May 3
NTL Studio 8.00pm

Beckett fans (and foes), and anyone looking for a wicked laugh at the expense of literature will beg to witness the inspired lunacy that is THE COMPLETE LOST WORKS.

Comprised of seven ‘recently unearthed’ scripts, supposedly penned by the greatest playwright of the 20th century. These discovered works include Beckett’s first ever dramatic piece: Happy Happy Bunny Visits Sad Sad Owl, written by seven year old Sam and presented in its original puppet staging, as well as his last effort, Foot Falls Flatly, apparently written posthumously.

“I have seldom been so moved the theatre, but that was largely because I fell off my chair laughing. This little show is as clever as it is silly and as silly as it is clever.” Lyn Gardner The Guardian 2002

WINNER: Fringe NYC Overall Excellence Award.
WINNER: Chicago Reader “Critics Choice”

Tickets £8/6 available from the Waterfront Hall on 028 9033 4455