Thursday May 8
St. Patrick’s School, Donegall St. 7.30pm

Now in its sixth year, the Brian Moore Short Story Awards have produced a welcome boost for new and emerging writers, many of whom, including Simon Kerr and Marilyn McLaughlin, have gone on to subsequent publishing success.

Come along and hear the announcement of this year’s winners in the company of the 2003 Judge, Carlo Gebler.

Admission free.


Friday May 9
Arcadia Café, North St. Arcade 8.00pm

Things could go from bard to verse here (sorry) in this battle of wits to the death.

A team of Belfast’s most sharply honed wordsmiths will line out against the cream of the North-West versifiers with no punches pulled.

Belfast captain Mark Madden reports ‘This one will go right to the wire. Our team have been training round the clock and are at the absolute top of their game.’

Tickets £4 available from the Festival Office on 028 9023 2403