May 6
The Exchange Place 7.00pm
The Navigators follows the fortunes of a group of rail
track workers based at a South Yorkshire depot, as the
privatisation of British Rail takes effect. When Harpic,
the depot boss, gives Paul, Mick and the rest of the gang
their new working brief - the companys Mission
Statement - performance related pay
and unpaid holidays seem like a joke. But before long,
the choice is very clear to the gang: take their chances
with redundancy cash and life as casual agency workers,
or work for the new company under the new rules...
Admission £2

May 7
The Duke of York 8.00pm

Previously screened under the title May the Road
Rise Up, this beautifully crafted documentary on
continuity and change is a revelatory personal journey
for photographer Alen MacWeeney. Now he revisits Ireland
to discover what has become of the people and culture
he documented over thirty years ago, renewing acquaintances,
prompting eloquent reminiscences and remembrances and
re-framing a fascinating series of family sagas amid a
fragmenting tradition. Images from Alen MacWeeneys
1965 study are intercut with the people of the present
Paul Noonan from Belfast Travellers Education and Welfare
group will introduce the film.
Admission free. |