Catalyst Arts presents a Sunday afternoon mystery cinema
trip to see a comedy double of the Odd Couple and The
Jerk. A Mini-bus will leave from outside the John Hewitt
at 3pm on Sunday 4th of May and will take you to a luxury
cinema location outside the city. popcorn will of course
be provided. A lazy, comedy Sunday afternoon.
Cost of transport and films £3

Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau
Directed by Gene Saks
Neil Simons play comes to the screen as divorcees
Felix and Oscar move in together when their marriages
break up. They soon discover their personalitiies and
house keeping rules are explosively incompatible. This
is genius.

Starring Steve Martin, Catlin Adams
and Jackie Manson.
Directed by Carl Reiner.
Steve Martin makes his film starring debut in this wild
and crazy comedy hit. Martin portrays Navin Johnson adopted
son of a poor black sharecropper family whose crazy inventions
lead him from rags to riches and right back to rags. Along
the way he is smitten by a lady motorcycle racer, survives
a series of screwball attacks by a deranged killer and
becomes a millionaire by inventing the optigrab
handle for eye glasses. This is genius too.