Farhad O’Neill
An exhibition of sculpture based upon Irish mythology
Date: 2–31 May . Thursday, May 2, 5 – 10pm
Exhibition Opening: 5 – 8pm. Performances: 7 – 10pm
Seán Ó Muireagáin – poet: 7pm
Torby: 8pm
The Shan Vans: 9pm
Following on from the exhibition debut at Feile 2023, Bua an Chultúir/Victory of Culture comes to 2 Royal Avenue for the month of May as part of the Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival. “Bua an Chultúir is an exhibition of modern sculpture, carved from turf, and based upon Irish mythological stories taken from medieval texts. Opening on Thursday May 2, the exhibition coincides with the Late Night Art Belfast events.
The artist, Farhad O’Neill, has had a career spanning 30 years with exhibitions and commissions both locally and internationally. He is pleased to offer this creative effort to the people of Belfast and is particularly pleased to have the company of other Gaels for the opening night. Seán Ó Muireagáin is a well known Belfast poet who will be reciting on the night. Torby is an exciting up coming rapper as gaeilge, and the Shan Vans are an exciting new Irish language rock band. Their involvement will ensure a fun, exciting, and broad cultural experience for all who attend”.