Due to restricted access to the Lagan Tunnel it is recommended that you contact Raymond Watson or the Lagan Lookout prior to arrival.
Raymond Watson: 07754595370
runs a voluntary appeal called the ‘Irish Emigrant Homeless Appeal’ and writes an ‘Irish Music Column’ for the ‘Daily Ireland’. Josephine will be joined at the Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival by the fine Lurgan guitarist Gerard Thompson on guitar, Brendan Mulhollandon flute (Craobh Rua) and Brendan Henry on Fiddle.
Tickets £5.00 Buy Online
Also available from Belfast Welcome Centre 028 9024 6609

The Lagan Basin is the only place to be on this the final day of the Festival as sore heads are soothed by great traditional playing and spirits refreshed by the bracing Belfast air. If all that’s not enough, you can bring your own refreshments for this musical, maritme treat.
Tickets £5.00 Buy Online