Around The World On 80 Quid takes look at globe trotting through the eyes of an eccentric performer armed only with his fiddle and enough energy to propel himself around the world.
The show is sprinkled with tunes he learns along the way, played on instruments found, made or stolen.
He relives the highs and the lows with equal intensity and his storytelling abilities never fail, nor does his unique brand of comedy, often found during his darkest hour.
Aindrias De Staicis an accomplished musician and actor whose self-penned show has performed to sell-out crowds in his home town of Galway and the Edinburgh and Melbourne Fringe Festivals.
In this show he throws together his skill for spinning yarns with his passion for music ensuring that the audience are never bored - especially when they become part of the show.
De Staic is a captivating yarn-spinner, but it's the musical passages that really make Around the World on 80 Quid stand out, lending it a raw, primal force. THE SCOTSMAN
You'll enjoy this insane adventure. THE AGE