Roll Up! Roll Up! Roll Up! Come and witness the ninth wonder of the world. Be amazed by astonishing Acrobatic Ants. Marvel as Captain Courage enters a cage of vicious Vespa Wasps. Thrill to the spectacle of Butterflies on trapeze.
It's not easy finding a show to open the Festival of Fools, but when we came across this gem we knew we had come across the ideal way to begin five days of madness across the city.
This show is an absolute must for families as you are invited to enter a world of fantasy featuring some of the most unusual acts you are ever likely to come across this side of reality.
Time Out magazine described the Insect Circus and "the most interesting performers this side of Vegas"
A labour of love thrown together with a touch of insanity, the Insect Circus is a throwback to the days when travelling shows promised an insight into exotic worlds beyond the imaginings of everyday life!
Look out too for the Insect Museum which will be around town during the day.